Summer Wellness

Here are some tips and recipes passed along through the essential oil community for creating non-toxic solutions this Summer!  Where I live in Nashville, the bugs are INTENSE, so I'm going to use these recipes for myself and my family!  **Note:  The recipes here include blends by Young Living, I highly recommend choosing a premium quality oil as there are no FDA regulations on essential oils so many brands you find in the store can be over diluted or contain chemicals (WTF?)!  Do your research so you can choose a brand wisely - I look for one that has transparency over their quality control and processing/farming methods.  If you want to learn more about oils or purchase Young Living, see my page here.

Bug protection (insect repellent + a DIY )** 

Whether in the backyard for an evening BBQ, going on a hike, walking your dog, camping, or at sleepaway camp, the bugs are out in full force in the warmer months.  Here are some great methods to keep them away without all the toxins and soothe the skin if you do get a bite.  Note: The repellant and spray should both work against ticks in addition to mosquitos, but always check for ticks upon coming home and treat appropriately if you do get a tick bite.  


This is a simple and fabulous method for keeping the bugs away.  One of those YLEO (Young Living Essential Oil) voodoo tricks that totally works!  You just put one drop of Purification (a YL blend of citronella, lemongrass, lavandin, rosemary, tea tree and myrtle) on the bottom of your feet every day before putting shoes on and it gets into your body and changes the pheromones.  


If you don't have time to DIY, Young Living now makes an amazing insect repellent that is extremely effective and only the purest ingredients (since the primary ingredient in most is quite toxic), of course.  I am one of those people who mosquitos love! A little goes a very long way.  

A bit more about the product:

• Tested to repel mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas and prevent bug bites
• Formulated with essential oils traditionally recommended for their bug-repelling properties
• Made with 100% naturally derived, plant-based ingredients
• Formulated without DEET, parabens, fillers, phthalates, petrochemicals, animal-derived ingredients, synthetic preservatives, synthetic fragrances, or synthetic colorants
• Rubs easily into skin without a greasy or sticky finish.  Take a bit onto your fingertips and then rub into your skin.  Remember, a little goes a long way!
• Hypoallergenic
• Pure, gentle formula free from synthetic chemicals
• Appropriate for use on children
• Vegan-friendly


I like to have a few of these around so that I don't go searching when I need it.  Keeping one in a travel bag, one in the backyard and one in the beach bag works well. 

1oz spray bottle

  • 5 drops Purification

  • 5 drops lavender

  • 5 drops lemongrass

  • 3 drops geranium

  • 3 drops peppermint

  • 1 teaspoon alcohol-free unscented witch hazel

  • fill to top with filtered or distilled water

Spray onto skin, clothing, and hair as needed when out in nature or at dusk when those buggers like to come out.  This also works for your pets! 


Pisces Medicine


Spring Equinox Rituals