harness your healing gifts so you can share them with the world.


A one on one apprenticeship for spiritual baddies who want to learn how to use reiki energy to heal and enhance their work in the world

be your own healer*

be your own healer*


Reiki is a divine universal energy that can be channeled and harnessed by individuals through an attunement. When we attune to this energy, we can harness it’s power to clear, balance and transmute energy within our system.

Do you doubt your intuition? Feel too sensitive or overwhelmed to harness your gifts?

❁ You are an empath, HSP or witchy woman who wants a deeper connection to their intuitive gifts.

❁ You feel called to deepen your spiritual connection.

❁ You feel stuck or imbalanced, repeating the same patterns over and over - even though you are conscious of them.

❁ You are a service provider and want to take your offerings to the next level.

❁ You are so tired of the grind and want to transform your life and offer the healing you KNOW the world really needs.

❁ You can feel energy from other people and environments and you want to learn how to make your sensitivity a super power, rather than a burden you have to bear.

Take your practice (and your business) to the next level.

You don’t have to hide away in isolation because you are too sensitive or stay stuck in the same patterns over and over again.

Reiki is a spiritual practice that has mental, physical and energetic benefits. Healing works on multiple levels - mental, physical AND energetic. Reiki helps address issues deeply seated in the subconscious and energetic system, so we can create real and lasting change. It helps us connect to our guides and guardians beyond the earth plane, and to hold boundaries of protection so we don’t take on the energy around us.

Whether you are interested in personal development or working as a practitioner, reiki helps you to become your own healer, feeling more confident in your inner wisdom.


✺ An apprenticeship to help you be your own healer

After our time together, you’ll feel:

▻ Deeply connected to your intuition and able to trust your inner knowing

▻ Confident in your skills to offer to sessions

▻ Clear and aligned in your own energy field and able to discern what is yours and what isnt’

▻ Guided and protected by your soul family (angels, guides, guardians and helpers)

Levels of Reiki

  • Level One

    Learn the foundations of the reiki practice, receive Reiki Seichem + Violet Flame attunement and how to conduct a session.

  • Level Two

    Learn the reiki symbols and how to offer distance healing. Recieve the Reiki Seichem 2 and YOD attunement.

  • Reiki Master

    Learn how to teach reiki to others and offer reiki attunements to your students. Receive Level 3 attunement and master symbols. Must be done on its own after experience with level 1 & 2.


❉ Each apprenticeship is 8 weeks and grouped by level. Level 1 & 2 can be done together, as well as Level 3 & 4.

❉ We will meet for 90 mins once weekly, using time between sessions to practice and integrate the work.

❉ Holly will guide you through the history of reiki, the Seichem tradition, the chakra system, how to hold space for clients, conducting sessions, ethical practices and much more.

❉ This mentorship will give you all the information, personal guidance and space to discover and integrate your unique personal healing practice.

❉ Holly will be available for questions, support and to give you advice based on over 15 years experience offering and teaching reiki.

client appreciation:

  • Growing up in a very Evangelical Christian background, I was not exposed to Reiki until I was an adult. My belief is that Jesus used the laying on of hands to heal the sick and ones in need. Once I was introduced to Reiki I felt an instant connection with my faith and beliefs. As a Mom, Wife, Realtor and Esthetician I use Reiki everyday. I was introduced to Holly Ramey through a podcast I follow. She was being interviewed and my spirit immediately resonated with her. I knew I had to take her Reiki class. I’m so glad I did because not only is Holly a beautiful soul, I also met a group of “soul sisters” who I feel I’ll stay connected with. Now, I’m just eager to move to the next level and continue my growth in Reiki. Thank you Holly for your work!

    Penie White, Realtor

  • Holly's reiki attunement was deeply spiritual while also being extremely approachable and manageable. During my reiki attunement with Holly, I learned to balance the chakras of myself and others and how to energetically protect myself during overhwelming times. The tools I learned in this afternoon I know I will take with me for a lifetime.

    Massey Armistead, Tarot Coach & Yoga instructor

  • Participating in Holly’s Reiki Level 1 attunenent was beneficial to my life in many ways. She helped me to realize that although we are working in the shomewhat mystical world of energy, it is available to anyone at anytime. We all have the ability to tap into something that is greater than ourselves as we learn to heal one another.

    Phoebe Hunt, musician

  • My mentorship with Holly exceeded all my expectations. I looked forward to our weekly sessions - Holly didn’t disappoint! She is a fabulous mentor who shares her passion for the mystical with so much enthusiasm. I learned, healed and elevated my soul.

    Nadia Boyd, CPA

Invest in Your Future


Invest in Your Future 〰️

Payment Options:

Level 1 & 2

One payment of $2,808  //  Two payments of $1,404

Master Level

One payment of $3,808  //  Two payments of $1,904

Please fill out the form below or book a consultation call with Holly to see if this program is a good fit for you!

Meet your guide:

Hi, I’m Holly!

I’m a Reiki Master certified in the Usui & Seichem traditions under the tutelage of Deborah Henekamp (aka Mama Medicine).

I am passionate about helping individuals find the confidence and clarity to be their own healer and find a clear path on their spiritual journey. I know it takes many twists and turns, and finding Reiki gave me so much insight and provided a beautiful foundation for me to build my healing practice on.

I started doing this work in 2008 as a Yoga teacher and have over 15 years experience working in the healing arts. I have taught thousands of students around the world, and been lucky to share my work in NYC, Nashville and now upstate in the Hudson Valley where I live with my family.

My goal is to provide you with the support and guidance you need to feel confident in your healing. Whether it’s just for your personal spiritual journey, or to pass along as a practitioner, reiki energy will transform your life (and in turn, those around you)!

I would be honored to serve you as a mentor and guide🌹

Before Reiki:

✗ Often felt overwhelmed or anxious in public or social environments

✗ Repeating same patterns over and over

✗ Felt clients energy while teaching yoga but didn’t know what to do

✗ Unable to support myself in my healing work

✗ Self doubt in my intuitive gifts and skills

✗ Imbalanced energies manifesting as physical pain and discomfort

After Reiki:

✓ Could recognize energy shifts and set appropriate boundaries around my energy

✓ Therapist told me I was having a breakthrough!

✓ Understanding how and when to work with other’s energy

✓ Built a thriving healing practice and quit my “regular” job

✓ Developed a practice to hone in and trust my intuition

✓ Holistic approach to pain, discomfort and tension

You’re one step away from a

transformative healing journey!

You ready?