EP 20 : Interview with Liz MacLennan & Luciana Naclerio
In this episode Holly interviews two amazing women she has met on her spiritual journey- Luciana Naclerio is a dancer and creator of Temple Technique & Liz MacLennan is an artist who has been practicing sacred ritual since she was a child. Together they have collaborated to create The Way of Water : A return to the sacred, ancient, wild self - a retreat on the gorgeous beaches of Mexico. They talk about how they are integrating their creative childhood selves into their spiritual work now, their call to the sacred practices of our ancestors, community healing and more!
Holly then offers a tarot forecast for the upcoming Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and the weeks to follow.
Mentioned in this episode:
The Way of Water: https://www.templetechnique.com/way-of-water-retreatLiz & Luciana: https://www.templetechnique.com/the-collaborationInstagram: @_thewayofwater_