Summer Solstice Rituals

In the Northern hemisphere, the Summer Solstice is the longest day (and shortest night) of the year. Nature is in full bloom and the light of the Sun is in full power. The element connected to this Earth holiday is Fire - the element that correlates to our Solar Plexus or third chakra. I love to celebrate the Earth holidays each year with a simple ritual to honor the shift in season and connect to the sacred wheel of change- life/death/rebirth. Earth holidays happen all over the world, regardless of culture, religion, ethnicity - they are a global holiday that remind us of unity and that we are all children of Mother Earth.

Summer is a natural time of play, vacation and more fun. In Pagan and Wiccan communities, the fire festival Litha is celebrated - an homage to the Sun and it’s power. The solar plexus chakra connects us to our inner power, strength, will and vitality. It is a dynamic energy that detoxifies impurities from our system & brings clarity. When we harness this energy, we can use it to boost our confidence and manifest our visions. It helps us to overcome shame and fear and transform them into Love.

The Sun card in the Tarot reminds gives us abundance, vitality and illuminates what we need to see. It also connects us to a youthful like joy - the freedom of living in the moment.

You can celebrate this holiday in any way that feels meaningful to you- spending time outside, making a sun tea, doing a few moments of meditation or candle gazing, building an altar, or journaling on the above themes. Here are a few suggestions :


Element- Fire

Colors- Red, Orange, Yellow, Gold

Burning herbs - Sage, Yellow Clover, Copal

Herbs for tea - Elder blossoms, basil, Linden blossoms, Borage, Roses, Dandelion (I like to make a sun tea)

Crystals - citrine, lemon quartz, pyrite, honey & orange calcite

Meditation - Candle Gazing Meditation or Visualize a bright yellow sun in the Solar Plexus

Journal - Reflect on all you’ve accomplished in the past 6 months (since the Winter Solstice), Write out new intentions for the rest of the year, or consider how you connect daily to your personal passions and sense of joy.

Activities- Play, Sunbathe, Carve a candle with your intentions, build a campfire and roast s’mores, spend time in quiet reflection, ritual bath with any of the above ingredients.


Leo Medicine


Cancer Medicine