Mercury Rx Medicine

Mercury Retrograde is a much hyped energy, but really it is about communication and practicing the RE’s - reflection, review, rest and restorative practices! Here are some suggested rituals:

Journaling πŸ““: Journaling is a great tool to review. Look back over the past year or 6 months and make a few lists - what did you accomplish? You can do this for certain areas of your life like relationships, career, money, creative projects, etc. or just focus on one area that is most potent for you right now. I would also recommend looking to see what sign Mercury is in and where that lands in your birthchart for a deeper look.

Restorative YogaπŸ•‰: Perhaps the most potent form of review (for me) happens in the body and the nervous system. Taking time to PRACTICE resting (yes, we have to teach the body how to rest) is a deeply healing practice. When we teach the body how to rest, we can get back to baseline, develop more self trust, create a special time and space to feel grounded and perhaps, release tension, old holding patterns and anything else we’ve been unconsciously holding onto.

Throat Chakra practicesπŸ”΅ : Mercury rules over communication, which is associated with the 5th Chakra - how we communicate our truth. Some of my favorite practices for balancing the this chakra are singing, chanting, creative expression (not for work, just for fun), Brahmari (buzzing bee breath), Storytelling or automatic writing, writing letters to the inner child, and any yoga poses or stretches to loosen the jaw, neck and shoulders.


Capricorn Medicine