Capricorn Medicine

Suggested rituals for the New Moon in Capricorn, or anytime you want to connect deeply to your intuition and feel more grounded and steady.

Candle Meditation πŸ•―: Light a candle, find a comfortable seat where you can easily gaze at the flame at eye level. Take a few deep breaths with the eyes closed, move your body in any way you need to get comfortable. Open your eyes and use a very soft gaze to focus on the flame. When you are ready close your eyes again but still see the flame at your third eye. Contemplate your perception- how you view what you experience. How you can heal from what you have viewed in the past. How you choose to see things now.

Herbal Body Oiling: One of my favorite healing rituals is doing a full body massage (also known as abyangha) with herbal infused oils. You can watch the video for the full details, but it’s simply a beautiful form of self care that helps me to feel present, grounded and connect to the physical body, where I believe we often feel our intuition. This is also a practice that has helped me feel safe and strengthen my boundaries, as the skin is our physical boundary with the outside world. You can get wonderful oils from many herbalists or create your own on the new moon! This is a great resource for learning more about herbal oils.

Pause & Reset : I learned this technique from one of my mentors, Jillian Pransky, in her book Deep Listening. You simply set your phone timer to go off every 2 hours or so, then take that moment to check in and take 3 deep breaths. Feel your body on the ground, release any tension in the face and the body, and concentrate on your inhales (count 1,2,3) and your exhales (count 1,2,3) and feel the pause between the breaths. Let this practice bring you back to yourself over and over. Each time we have the opportunity to reset and re-enter the day in a new way.


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