Nourishing the Heart

Happy New Year ✨ Although our growth can not always be measured with linear time - the change of a calendar year is a collective reset, an opportunity to pause, review and look back at the lessons of 2020. 2021 will bring new lessons, just as each year does.

January themes will highlight our emotional world and how we find connection and communication in relationship. We will bring into focus how we nourish ourselves and how we care for others. Patterns, habits and actions that create imbalance will be illuminated. Journal or reflect on these questions:

What makes me feel nourished?
What is my love language?
What daily practices nourish me?
How can I communicate my needs to others?

Ask your closest loved ones the same questions so you can best identify the care they need. Like water, our emotions flow through us, but just because you feel something doesn’t mean it defines you. Practice witnessing your emotions without labeling them as good or bad, projecting them onto others, or over identifying & analyzing them. You are the only one responsible for managing your feelings, and the same is true for others. Let go of shame and blame stories, and find the freedom that comes with holding space for your feelings with self compassion. Sacred Heart - your deepest pains bring medicine when you have the courage to feel them.

Suggested Rituals for January or anytime you want to nourish your heart and emotional healing:

Creative Projects - Let yourself think outside the box, get messy and create something just for YOU! Let go of perfectionism and let this be born out of your own unique expression. This is not to share with the world or to be sold, but only for your own enjoyment. It doesn’t matter if you’re not an “artist” - we all create in many ways - cooking, write, paint, knit, weave, chop wood, sing - what calls to you?

Rituals Baths - create your own ritual bath with rose petals of any color, milk (any type of plant milk), sweet essential oils (I love bergamot/ rose absolute/jasmine), lots of salt, pink and green crystals, candles and what ever else feels right

Fluid Movement - sometimes emotions can feel stuck in the body and movement is an amazing way to feel some release. You can move intuitively or try something new like belly dancing, vinyasa or hip opening yoga poses, or just rolling around on the floor and stretching out

*A few other favorites: Heart shaped crystals, Heart Healing Meditations (check out my IGTV) and the book Not Nice by Aziz Gazipura


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