learn the craft


I started studying yoga in 2008 when the sub prime mortgage crisis was tanking my business. It was a big sign that I had a deeper calling. The universe led me to a yoga studio where I found solace from the stress of everyday life. I think it often works like this, we have a deeper yearning and then we follow the clues of our intuition and are led to the right place.

If you have been led here I think it’s probably because you had a similar feeling as I did back then. I think it’s so amazing when we can stay open and curious to see where life takes us. That is the spirit I try to embody with mentorships - one of curiosity and (as we learned in yoga) to maintain a beginner’s mind. There are so many journeys we take in this lifetime, I’d love to be a stop on your spiritual path.

Whether you want to learn more about tarot, reiki, yoga or astrology - I can be a guide and a teacher to help you develop your skills and share what I have learned from 16 years of experience as a practitioner. The process of learning this work can be a huge expansion and healing experience on it’s own, and working 1:1 gives you the opportunity to go at your own pace, and work specifically with areas that are most needed. I will be a guide and mirror to help you touch in and utilize your potential as well as work through any patterns or behaviors that stand in your way of progress.

Personally, I have done hundreds of readings, attuned dozens of reiki practitioners and mentored many students - I really love teaching and sharing the practices that have given me so much space to heal and I think everyone has the capacity to be a guide or a healer.

You may want to become a teacher or a healer yourself or gain skills and knowledge to develop your own personal practice, either way - working one on one is an amazing journey to take to learn so much about yourself and the modalities you wish to explore.

I would be honored to work with you and I’m glad the universe led you here!


Mentorship program:

+ We will meet twice per month for 90mins per session (virtually) for 4 months - 8 sessions in total.

+We start with a consultation call to answer any questions you have and make sure the program is right for you

+We will map out a personalized action plan & create a curriculum that will expand on your current knowledge. We will meet for 8 bi-weekly sessions over 4 months. Mentorship Topics can Include any of the following:

  • The Chakra System

  • Yoga + Meditation

  • Restorative, Therapeutic Yoga and Somatic Movement

  • Astrology

  • Tarot

  • Ritual & Ceremony

  • Reiki Attunements are available for an additional fee depending on the level

THIS PROGRAM WILL BE DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU! all sessions are based on where you are at right now, to invite the deepest transformation & work with your goals in mind.

“Working with Holly is truly one of the greatest gifts I have given myself. I learned more about myself and my own heart in the past 3 months than I have in the 36 years I have been on this planet. She has the ability to give a safe space to share and grow and feel. I truly believe that she was brought into my life at the most divine time. When our journey began I had a yearning for more for my life, but little did I know what I would receive when I actually opened up to it. She walked me through a deeper understanding of the Chakra system, as well as my introduction into Tarot. I have now begun my own personal spiritual practices, and it was through her and I’s work that I came to the realization that my practice didn’t have to look like anyone else’s. I have found the power in myself to listen to my heart and my higher self, rather than looking for an answer on the outside. I hope that one day I can empower another woman to find and live her truest life, because that is the light that Holly has brought to me. Thank you Holly for all that you are and all that you do.” – Jaymie


make magic

The cost of a mentorship is $2400 - which can be paid all at once or via monthly payments. You can use the button below to book a consultation call.

Please feel free to email holly@hollydramey.com with any questions!